Hillary Vu
Code on Corporate Governance in many countries recommended that boards establish Codes of Conduct and Ethics, and that they establish and implement policies and procedures on whistleblowing.
The effectiveness and success of whistleblowing mechanisms is significantly dependent on how well accepted they are. Acceptance, in turn, is significantly dependent on how the primary criteria of independence, security, confidentiality and accessibility are met or ensured.
BDO EthicsLine is a mechanism that meets all of these criteria and more and, in doing so, will also help to ensure alignment with legislation and regulatory guidance. It is an online whistleblowing portal that can be easily integrated into your organisation’s ethics and compliance mechanisms, and which meets our eight key characteristics and criteria.
To obtain more information on the BDO EthicsLine service, and the criteria to which it has been built and is operated, please contact us directly.
Hillary Vu
Sanjay Sidhu
Karthigayan Supramaniam
Von Chung Hua